Friday, July 14, 2006


The Pacific Ocean stretched out before them, immense and full of mysterious depths. Regina has seen it the day she and Pappy arrived in San Francisco. During the long ride down the coast to Santa Barbara, she'd gazed out on it, wondering at its size and what secrets it held. When they'd arrived at their destination, Pappy had asked directions and they'd walked down the gently sloping streets to a wide sweep of white sand and, hand in hand, stared out at the biggest body of water either had ever seen.

"Pappy?" she said. "Can I wade in it? Please?"

"As long as you don't get your skirts wet. We have to meet with Miss Porter in an hour." Pappy smiled and let go of her hand. He stood on the sand, watching his granddaughter as she laughed and romped, playing with the waves as they washed up onto the shore, cascading over her toes. Regina ran back and forth as though tempting the waves to catch her. Finally, it was time to collect her shoes and put them back on; time for their meeting with Miss Porter.

Now, as she watched the waves, she thought of her grandfather and wondered what he was doing right now. Regina and Elena had been signed out on a sunny Saturday by Elena's abuela. The old woman was pretty easy to talk into side trips, so even though they were supposed to be buying new shoes and long-sleeved blouses for the coming winter, Elena had begged her grandmother to let them visit the seashore for a short time.

"You're quiet, Reg," Elena said. Try as she might, Regina could not convince Elena not to shorten her name to Reg. Regina hated the nickname, but Elena had special names for almost everyone. As Elena's new names went, Reg was better than most so Regina had given up trying to change the girl's habit.

"Mmm, just thinking." Regina said, sighing.

"About home?"

"Yeah. Just about Pappy and home." Regina said. "Kentucky's so far away."

"You'll go home. Maybe for Christmas, right?" Elena said, her dark eyes earnest as she tried to put Regina in a better frame of mind. Elena watched her friend's face as she pulled long dark strands of hair out of her face. The breeze was cool and filled with the scent of saltwater.

"No," Regina said with a deep breath. If she didn't take in several big breaths, she was going to cry. She couldn't help it. The letter from Pappy had only just arrived and each word he wrote was like an arrow through her heart. The Christmas holiday was almost two months away, yet nearly everyone at Miss Porter's already had some sort of plans for the break. And everyone was looking forward to the end of classes, even if it meant the grueling ordeal of final exams.


"Pappy wrote to me. It would take too long to get back home to Kentucky. And we only have three weeks between semesters." Regina's voice sounded small and sad. "I have to stay in the dormitory. With Miss Peale and the old maid teachers."

"Oooh," Elena said gently but with a small smile. "A house full of women, what could be better? Not even a real house. A school. And I bet they'd make you go to chapel too."

"Being home with my Pappy and all the animals? Can you believe I actually miss feeding the chickens? And doing my chores?" Regina asked incredulously.

"Shhh!" Elena said, looking around dramatically. "Don't let Miss Peale hear you say that! Everyone's favorite house mother would be happy to load you up with more chores if she hears you talking like that. She might even think getting some chickens for the school is a good idea. Fresh eggs and chicken and dumplings and things like that!"

Regina smiled and Elena smiled back. She hated seeing her new friend so sad. And Regina seemed sad a lot.

Elena turned to face Regina, "Reg! I have the best idea. What if you came home with me at Christmas? There's plenty of room at the rancho and Mama loves guests. I'll have to check to be sure and I guess you'll need permission. But I don't see how Miss Porter or your abuelo can object. Do you want to? Please? It would be fun. Come on. Say yes. Please?"

At first Regina hadn't wanted to impose, but the more Elena went on about the idea, the more it appealed to her. Besides, Elena was right; who wanted to stay at school for three weeks if you didn't have to?

"Yes," she said, smiling widely. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Regina stood up quickly and pulled Elena to her feet as well. "Come on! Let's go ask. Now! Come on! I'll race you."


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